Every year at this time I get to begin preparing for our annual TOC event. Its my favorite due to the fact that its a 2 day event with 3 official days of practice. To me this requires much more prep then a one day team event. Perhaps it should be the same but to me its not. I begin this process by completely emptying the boat, I mean everything that is not attached comes out. This is a great time to clean and vacuum the boat as well. A good cleaning followed by some wax goes a long ways.
So with pulling all of the tackle out of the boat I’m usually left with a huge mess of disorganization, and a whole lot of ” I forgot I had this” or ” I knew I had these in the boat”. So I always want to have about 6 to 10 of these(httpss://www.outdoorproshop.com/default.asp) when I am doing this. Best way to straighten out the mess is to organize. I’ve really learned to better consolidate and organize my tackle over the years. This saves a lot of time and frustration when tournament time rolls around. This means more time with my line in the water rather then trying to find what I need. The other thing I gain by doing this a month in advance is I have time to get stuff I may have forgot to purchase. Stuff like this httpss://www.outdoorproshop.com/Bass-Medics-Rejuvenade-p/bassmedics-rejuvenade.htm can be a big deal on those long days on the water.
All of my culling and weigh equipment is cleaned and organized then stored for quick and easy access. With the fall coming on I also add clothing to the boat that was removed during the summer. Gloves, beanies, rain gear, and sunglasses with other tints to name a few. This is also a good time to inspect the boat thoroughly to make sure everything is in good working order. Check to make sure the bolts are tight and in good shape. Do not over torque bolts but make sure they are tight. Inspect the trailer and tires, as well as your batteries. Better to take care of it a head of time rather then when its too late.
I use my Cal Coast Fishing Rod Mule because I always take way more rods then I need and they offer a way for me to carry more rods and keep em safe from damage when stored in the Rod Mule. httpss://calcoastfishing.com/product/rod-mule/ I can easily carry an extra 8 rods in this and I know they are safe. I can throw this in the bed of my truck while traveling to the lake and they are ready to go, tangle free when I arrive.
I also recently purchased some of these for those plastics that I want to leave in the packaging. https://thmarine.com/cooks-go-to-tackle-system With my Keitechs and Strike King Rage baits its best to leave these in the packaging. This makes for a great way to store those baits and its fast and easy to get to em. It also uses space that is not normally used. I use double sided automotive trim adhesive tape to install them under my lids on my Ranger. Its also great for spinner baits and such.
Taking the time to prepare leaves more time for what I am there to do for 5 days which is fish. It also helps my forgetful mind to make sure I have everything I need. Don’t forget your 2 stroke oil folks. There is always that guy that is trying to find oil the night before the event starts. Clean, organize, and prepare to get out there and enjoy your time on the water.
Sean Wayman
RB Bass Angler