Weather: Sunny Air temp: low 54 degrees to high 80 degrees Water temp: 62-68 Degrees Wind: Light 5-7mph Water Clarity: 7ft on main lake, 2-3ft up middle fork Lake level: -208ft from full I went out and Pre-fished for Future Pro Tours Northern event and checked out Lake Oroville for my second time. I first […]
CA Delta Report 1-7-18 by Charles Cornelison
Weather: Cloudy Water Temp: 47-48 Degrees Water Color/Visibility: Stained, 1-2 Ft Visibility Tide: Started High incoming to Low I arrived at the delta around 9:30am. I wanted to better my Winter game and learn how the Largemouth Bass react in water below 50 degrees. I was pleased to see how active they were! The […]
Camanche lake fishing report by Josh Parris
I’ve been fishing Camanche lake for the past few weeks in preparation for the 3rd stop of the Future Pro Tour central region that was held last Saturday. Over the last few weeks the fish have continued to progress through the spawn cycle with some great fishing to be had. Coming into the tournament with […]