Fished Camp Far West today with my buddy David Gretler. The lake doesn’t open until 6:30 am so we ran up the river arm to take advantage of the remaining shade left on the north side. The surface temp was 73 and we saw fish chasing bait on top so I threw a top water and he tossed a twin tail jig to the shore. He had several short strikes on the jig (The twin tail came back with one tail each time.) and I only had a catfish follow my top water bait. We then moved back down the river to the main body and fished points with the twin tail jig and drop shot. We caught a lot of small fish but just couldn’t find any schools of larger fish. We saw a ton of bait fish on the graph at 10 to 15 ft. so I tried a shad colored crank bait, small A-rig with 3” baits and spinner bait with no success. The majority of our fish were caught on the drop shot fishing a 3” Gulp Minnow in 15 to 20 ft. of water. This is a fun lake to fish and produce’s a lot of small fish but it does have a good population of hard fighting 2 to 3 pound spots if you can locate them. There are also largemouth and land lock strippers in the lake but they are tough to find. If you give the lake a try I hope this will help to get you on some fish! Thanks for visiting RB BASS.NET, Bob Pietruszka