On the water- 6:45 am
Off the water- 3:30 pm
Air temp- 32° – 55°
Water temp- 53°
Water Clarity- 8-15′
Mike and Michael Bryant came out to Don Pedro on a cold clear blue bird sky day, and the fish made is work for them. We started off tucked in a creek channel throwing jigs and plastics from 20-50′ of water. The first couple hours of the morning the fish were biting good, we boated over 20 fish the first 2 hours of the morning.
Once that bite slowed down, we started jumping main lake point to main lake point. The fish were scattered between 35-75′ of water, and they were a little finicky, only wanting to eat a darthead worm, or a drop shot worm. The bite was slower but we still put a lot of fish in the boat!
We struggled to find size today, with our best five going around 13.5 lbs, with a 3.5 pound kicker, but we had a great time with a lot of laughs, and plenty of fish! I have trips available guys, $200 for a FULL day of fishing, includes up to 2 people, you won’t find a better deal!
Ryancookfishing.com 559-691-7008