Hi y’all, Jacob with RBBASS and here’s a quick delta report from my last trip from 7/13. I launched outta Ladds around 6 in the morning and high tide was scheduled to hit the east delta around 7 so I still had a good hour of incoming tide left. I Got out for a short 5hr trip this morning hoping for a topwater bite and quickly found that the the frog bite was on. I had over 20 frog fish for the morning ranging from shakers all the way up to this good one. I lost one GIANT that stole a new frog from me, it was due to old braid that I’ve been lazy to change up….. Oh well lesson learned and new line was spooled up. All the fish were choking the frog today. Key areas for numbers of bites is going to be targeting riprap banks with isolated tules next to them and with this weeks high tides scheduled for later in the morning and early noon it’ll push them up even higher and if there’s any cheese mats on the banks make sure to slow down and fish em. Water temps ranged from 76*-80* most of the morning. I also caught a few decent fish punching but the frog bite was to good to put down that rod. On a side note I also punched a striper as well today.