GENERAL FACTS ABOUT BASS LOCATION: Bass are cold blooded creatures, meaning that their body temperature is directly related to the temperature of the water in which they swim. Thus the temperature of the water can have a great deal of impact on where bass will be and how active they are on any given day. […]
Spring Bass Fishing Tips
10 Spring Tips
Spring may be the best time of the year to catch largemouth bass, but lots of fishermen don’t make the most of it. Far too many of us tend to fish the same way day after day, randomly casting along shorelines in a hit or miss fashion. If the bass don’t cooperate, we figure they […]
Spring Topwater Tactics
The object with topwater is to present bass with a vulnerable, unaware “creature” that is an easy target, then allowing nature to take its course. In the process, fishing surface lures can bag the biggest fish in any water, especially when egg-heavy females are moving up shallow to spawn. Here’s a simple blueprint for […]
Stages of Spring Bass Fishing
Early Spring: Regardless of where they live, bass anglers get the “itch” early in the spring. But this is a tough time – a period of hit or miss angling. Some days you’re going to get lucky, but the majority are going to be tough. Don’t be too disappointed if you don’t catch fish. […]
Best Spring Baits
Best Spring Lure Crawfish are to bass what peanuts and popcorn are to humans — a snack too tasty to pass up. It’s no wonder that savvy bass anglers for decades have relied on lures that mimic these crustaceans. Crawfish lures will work anytime, though they’re especially deadly in the spring. When the shallows […]
Spring Time rippin
Versatile Springtime Jerkbait Bassing Now’s a prime time to select your favorite hard or soft jerkbait to fool sluggish bass into biting during the early season. Here’s how to use these lures effectively! Early-spring jerkbait fishing is some of the most exciting sport of the year. Though early-season bass aren’t likely to chase down […]
Spring Time Pre-Spawn
Spring time is almost here and we’re all ready for the pre-spawn. The first thing to remember is to keep an open mind when attacking a body of water during this time of year. Spring time offers three different stages of fish, pre-spawn, spawn, and post-spawn, at any given time, once the water hits 60 […]
Spring Time Bass Perspective
As we transition from the cold months of winter so do the Bass. Bass begin to prepare for the spawning ritual. Bass will begin to move from the deep waters of the main lake where they have been wintering to protected bays that will be warm sheltered from the cold northern winds and have fertile […]