I’d first like to introduce myself, I’m Danny McElroy from Sacramento, and I want to thank RB Bass for adding me to the team. It all started as an early teenager fishing ponds creeks and I always caught this green creature with a large mouth and big black eyes and never paid much attention to it.In my mid twenties I started fishing Folsom Lake as I lived walking distance from New York Creek. I started to really figure them out on the bank but that wasn’t enough for me. So I called my Uncle who fished a lot of tournaments in his day and got him all fired up about fishing a tournament with me and so we fished WRL for one year and I was HOOKED!! That’s when I decided to become a professional bass fisherman, right then is when I knew my journey has begun!
At this point of the journey I am still fishing as an amature and taking all the right steps to be ready for the Big Show when I get there. One of the hardest things to over come being a sponsored Am is the judgment of my peers,but I quickly remind myself it is me that I need to please. With stickers all over my truck and a” Top This”Jersey riddled in logos I’m off to a good start to live the dream.When it all comes down to it we are all the same, we all have the passion,the dream,the same feeling inside when we get a big one,or when we lose one.So it doesn’t matter what we wear,doesn’t matter what size,shape,color,and gender you are,all that matters is we have the same thing in common and for that we treat each other with respect and keep this sport alive.
Thanks for giving me your time and look out for some reports coming soon! Stay off my WATER!!!
Danny McElroy