Hey guys my names Adrian Murar! I thought I’d tell you guys about my journey with RBBASS and how it has completely changed my career as a tournament angler! About 4 years ago I was fishing a tournament circuit known as B.A.S.S. Nation and I met this guy Mike Coleman. I talked to him about the tournament and he mentioned RBBASS. I thought it was cool thing but didn’t think much of it. He offered me a position on the team and I was stoked! I was beyond excited to be a part of the team. Right off the bat I was treated like family! RBBASS has given me opportunities I have never dreamed of. It gave me access to so many resource to not only build my reputation and popularity but as well as the team. We all work together and help each other achieve a goal. Now here comes the important part: How RBBASS can help you out. Our website https://rbbassfishing.net/ always has current reports from not only local areas but not all over the United States! You guys can keep up with all the current hot bites! We do frequently post up giveaways with some truly awesome baits! We also have a YouTube channel where we post up videos with tips and techniques even maintenance for you motor, tires, brakes, and tackle. We help you guys catch more fish.
On our Facebook page we have hats, hoodies, and t-shirts that not only keep you looking slick but, also helps us bring you guys more content and more giveaways for you! Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and the Website itself https://rbbassfishing.net/! Drop some likes and shares!
Thank you guys for all the support!