Bass Fishing in Muddy Water Conditions
Muddy water is often a byproduct of rains and fronts. As a general rule we avoid fishing in severely muddy water, but when this is unavoidable we only fish shallow. In muddy water, the light penetrates only a few feet and the resulting darkness keeps the bass shallow.
We recomend two baits when fishing muddy water:
(1) a jig-and-pig,
(2) a single bladed (#6 Colorado, gold or copper) spinner bait.
In muddy water fish will set up in tules,grass,weeds and tree stumps where they can relate to cover and the water may be slightly clearer.
Tip when fishing jigs in muddy water leave the bait sit in place for long periods of time, so the Bass can locate the bait. Use a trailer such as a Chigger craw for extra scent. Stick to blacks in Jigs and or chartruese colors with spinner baits!
When fishing in muddy conditions allways be on the hunt for clearer water. In the California delta the south east delta is the farthest from the main creek and river runoff from the sierras and foothills and will be slightly clearer.
In lakes many time follow the muddy water up a creek or inlet all the way to the top of the incoming water and you may find that the muddy water has cleared up top and will create a edge of cleaner water meeting muddy water. If you find this you will do well!This is were a spinner bait should shine!