Here is RB Bass Outdoors angler Sean Wayman with a video on some baits that should be in your box when fishing this time of the year. Sean will go over types of baits and sizes. The glide baits are a great search bait which help you locate and show you big fish. once you know your in their area you can then try and figure out how to get them to bite by using other baits. Glide baits have great drawing power. This time of year fish are starting to get into the pre-spawn so fish are moving up shallower and being able to physically see the fish with your eyes lets you know and gives you the confidence to sit in those areas longer to try to get those bigger fish to bite. Check out this video and see what Sean uses to help him to to get those bigger ones to bite. Hope this video helps you the next time you hit the water. Have fun, tight lines and remember get those kids out on the water and let them enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.
Facebook: Sean Wayman
YouTube: The Average Angler
Instagram: Flipinz