Drop-Shotting Spawning Bass With Hank Parker New techniques come along every year, but most of them turn out to be fads, and we wind up discarding them for tried-and-true traditional methods. I’m here to tell you that drop-shotting is here to stay. Anglers are still learning the many advantages of this deadly finesse technique […]
Spring Bass Fishing Tips
Spring Time Bass Fishing
Spring Time Bass Fishing Pre Spawn
BPS Bass in the Grass Tips on Fishing Aquatic Vegetation (Kevin Van Dam)
BPS Bass in the Grass Tips on Fishing Aquatic Vegetation (Kevin Van Dam)
Swimming Bass Jigs with Kevin VanDam – Bass pro shop
Swimming Bass Jigs with Kevin VanDam
Spring Time Bass Fishing by Mark Lassagne
This is the time of year when most of the mature bass will go shallow. Neil Manji, Chief Fisheries biologist with the California Department of Fish and Game says that for many bass, this (spring) is the only time they will go shallow all year meaning many large bass live deep all year except for […]
Skeet Reese Fishing Videos
Skeet Reese Videos Drop Shotting LV-500 Lucky Craft Video Skeet Rippin Pointer 78 Lucky Craft Pointer 100 Pointer 128 Flippin Big Baits Post Spawn Plastics Clear Lake Jigs SKT mini MR/DR Lucky Craft
Post Spawn Bass Fishing
Post Spawn Bass Fishing by Ron Howe As the spring time rituals of spawning end and hot summer days are approaching us quickly, Bass move into a post spawn mode. These post spawn fish will be in a recovery mode from the spawning period. This can be a very tough time to catch Bass. […]
It’s Spinnerbait Time by Phil Jigs Hill
IT’S SPINNERBAIT TIME It is approaching that time of the year that I absolutely love. Early springtime is when BIG hog bass in the 10-pound range will be prowling the shallows going through their annual spawning ritual. Many different lures will be chunked at these big bass during the upcoming months, but I assure you […]
Spring Bass Tips By Ron Howe
As winter begins to pass and the days get longer the Big female Bass make there move back to there spawning grounds. These big fish will stack up on steep bluffs that lead to spawning areas. Look for laydown trees or large boulders near spawning bays and coves. Big Bass will hold here on these […]
All about Large Mouth Bass
SENSES: Largemouth bass have the five major senses common to most animals: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. They have another sense, the lateral line, which is a series of sensitive nerve endings that extends from just behind the gill to the tail on each side of the fish. The lateral line can pick up […]