Berserk Baits Slop Jig New Berserk Baits Slop Jig This newly designed Jig was developed to come thru cover better than the average Arke head jig! Flip it, Punch it! ad a Berserk Baits Brawler for a Trailer and hang on!
Summer Bass Fishing Tips
Post Spawn Bass Fishing
Post Spawn Bass Fishing by Ron Howe As the spring time rituals of spawning end and hot summer days are approaching us quickly, Bass move into a post spawn mode. These post spawn fish will be in a recovery mode from the spawning period. This can be a very tough time to catch Bass. […]
All about Large Mouth Bass
SENSES: Largemouth bass have the five major senses common to most animals: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. They have another sense, the lateral line, which is a series of sensitive nerve endings that extends from just behind the gill to the tail on each side of the fish. The lateral line can pick up […]
4 seasons of a Bass
GENERAL FACTS ABOUT BASS LOCATION: Bass are cold blooded creatures, meaning that their body temperature is directly related to the temperature of the water in which they swim. Thus the temperature of the water can have a great deal of impact on where bass will be and how active they are on any given day. […]
Summer Time Bass Fishing Tip
Lets get to understanding what Bass tend to due in summer time. Bass have finished spawning and have began to move to there summer time spots. In summer Bass like to be in the shade as much as they can. Look for docks weeds or big logs or trees that provide shade from the bank […]