Here is RB Bass Outdoors Angler Ron Howe to talk about life jacket safety. Making sure you have a proper life jacket for what you are doing is first and foremost. Second, accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, so whenever your big motor is running it is always best to have your […]
NextGen Lithium battery review by RB Bass Outdoors angler Richard Witham
I know a lot of people have made the switch to lithium batteries or have looked into them. I just recently made the switch to NextGen Lithium and wanted to give my take on making the switch and how I like my new battery. I was running two blue top optimas that weighed about […]
Boat Cover Care by Mike Tremont
Boat Cover Care Just wanted to pass along a little info to help yoiu keep certain types of boat covers nice and waterproof. Mine is almost 17 years old. The sun and one of my cats claws are rough on the surface. Last I checked, it would be well over $1000 to have my custom […]
Summer Boating Gadgets and Apps for Recreational Fishers
Well over 40 percent of Canadians went boating in 2013, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association. If you’re eagerly awaiting the spring thaw to get back on the open ocean or Canadian waterways, pick up some fun new fishing gadgets to make this year’s boating safe and fun, and download some apps to […]