RB Bass Outdoors welcomes Shawn St. Jacques to the team. With his knowledge of the hunting world as well as the fishing side of things, he will be a great addition to the family. Here is some background on Shawn St. Jacques.
About me:
Shawn grew up in Susanville, CA where he became intimately involved with the outdoors. As a
kid, camping was a regular occurrence and fishing came with. Fishing became a favorite
pastime for Shawn once he was introduced to the Eagle Lake trout at nearby Eagle Lake.
After finishing college in Reno, NV, Shawn began working in the road construction industry. He
spent years working in the remote Nevada desert building highways. While working in those
areas Shawn took a growing interest in hunting. Since graduating college Shawn has invested
lots of time in learning and researching hunting skills. He is a self-taught hunter who has been
successful in hunting deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, turkey, and mountain lions in Nevada.
Shawn has two sons, 9 and 7 years old, who have grown to appreciate the outdoors. Shawn
volunteers for the Wild Sheep Foundation at several events every year that introduce kids to the
outdoors. His sons have also grown to enjoy helping other kids learn about the outdoors through
working these events with their father.
Shawn has recently started fishing competitively at the club level and is now starting to fish
larger tournaments like the WON Bass events. Shawn also continues to hunt whenever he gets
a chance and focuses on taking his two sons with him to continue their growth and appreciation
for the outdoors.
Favorite Fishery:
Shawn will fish wherever water exists but with his growing interest in competitive bass fishing,
his focus has been on waters that contain bass. Clear Lake is one of his favorite fisheries after
being introduced to it by RB Bass Angler John Hampel. Before falling in love with Clear Lake,
Bullards Bar was a favorite of Shawn’s as it was close to Reno and could produce giant Spotted
Favorite Technique:
FROGS!! Shawn loves when the frog bite starts to play. If he gets one bite on a frog, it is hard
for him to put it away. The explosions and fight are worth the wait when frog fishing.
Favorite Animals to Hunt:
While Shawn admits that everything is fun to hunt, one if his favorite animals to hunt is
Antelope. They can be seen all day long. It fills the day with excitement because you can hunt
them constantly and they are challenging to get close to in the open terrain in which they live.
They also proved his family’s favorite meat source. The meat is mild, low in fat, and extremely
Favorite Hunting Method:
Shawn hunts with rifles and archery equipment for big game. He has taken a Nevada State
Record book elk and antelope. The antelope came with a rifle at 698 yards and his elk came
with archery equipment at 12 yards. Shawn chooses his equipment based on the experience his
looking to fulfill. For Shawn, hunting isn’t about the killing of an animal. While it is a nice bonus,
Shawn is looking for a lifelong memory. Every hunt provides new experiences, emotional roller
coasters, and hopefully some of the healthiest meat you can put on your table.
Social Media: If you want to follow Shawn on his journey in the outdoors, you can follow his social media
Instagram: @shawn_st.jacques
Facebook: Shawn St. Jacques
YouTube: @Shawn_stjacques https://www.youtube.com/@Shawn_stjacques