12/4-6/20 Early Sunrise till Zero Dark Thirty Collins Lake Weather: Freezing, warm, hot then cold again Water temp 53-56 Wind 0-2 North Water Clarity: 20 feet It’s RB Bass Christmas Tournament Weekend and you found Chris Perez and me caravanning up to Collins Lake, with boats in tow. Ron Howe did the usual job of […]
Mike Tremont
Fish Care Ideas with Mike Tremont
Check out this short video from Mike Tremont and what steps he’s taken to care for fish. Great Stuff from Mike Tremont!!
Joining RBBASS by Mike Tremont
I started fishing when I was very young with my Father and Grandfather. We had a small wooden boat and would chase Stripers and Bluefish back in New York. My dad was big on maintenance and fixing things on his own, a trait I seem to have as well. When we moved to California in […]
New Year’s Day 2020 – Folsom Lake by Mike Tremont
Weather: overcast/sun mix Wind: 4-5 mph Water Temp: 51-54 Visibility: 3-6ft Video report by Mike Tremont on Folsom Lake. Mike breaks down how the day went! https://www.outdoorproshop.com/SearchResults.asp?mfg=Keitech&Click=4319 https://www.outdoorproshop.com/Blade-Runner-Tackle-Spintrix-SL-Swimbait-Head-p/brt-spintrix-sl.htm&Click=4319 https://www.outdoorproshop.com/Frenzy-Nail-Shakey-Head-Jig-p/frenzy-nail.htm&Click=4319 https://www.outdoorproshop.com/Reaction-Innovations-Smallie-Beaver-p/ri-smallie-beaver.htm&Click=4319 https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Flip_Clip_Fish_Stabilizing_Fin_Weights_3pk/descpage-FHCPSWTS.html
Clearlake, CA Fishing Report by Sean Wayman
10-24-19 thru 10-26-19 Wild West Bass Trail Championship Water Temps-65 deg Air Temps 47-85 I spent several days fishing Clearlake this past week. What we found was one of the best fall fishing bites ever. October can be a volatile time at Clearlake, and in the past we have found very tough fishing. Currently […]
Clearlake Fishing Report by Sean Wayman – 5/25/19
Water Temps 66-67 deg Windy Morning and chilly Water color 2-3 feet clarity Fishing Clearlake is by far my favorite thing to do a long with spending time with my wife and our dogs. This Memorial day weekend brought us more in-climate weather. Seems to be the theme this year. Wind, thunderstorms, chilly […]
Folsom Lake Fishing Report by Mike Tremont
DATE: 5/18-19/2019 LOCATION: FOLSOM RESERVOIR AIR TEMP: 45-60 DEGREES WATER TEMP: 63-66 DEGREES SEASONAL PATTERN: ALL STAGES WIND: 5MPH – 20MPH STORMY AT TIMES WATER CLARITY 0 – 10FEET Fished a local club tournament with the Folsom Bass Team. They have monthly events on different bodies of water throughout the year. They also fish […]
If you haven’t had a leaf spring break on your boat trailer yet, from my perspective you’re lucky. I’ve had 2 of them break on me in the 17 years I’ve been hauling the boat around. The first was only at a year old. It was a single leaf design, that even the manufacturer admitted […]
Clear Lake report by Sean Wayman
I spent a few days last week fishing Clearlake. I can say the lake is alive and well. The weather was changing daily and sometimes by the hour. Didn’t seem to bother the fish, just had to throw different baits at different times. Thursday 4/12/18 Temps 30-48 degrees Sunny at times and […]
CA Delta – 3/31/18 fishing report by Mike Tremont
Water Temp 58 to 64, Stained to 3′ visibility. Wind was calm to 10 mph with low 70’s air Temp Tide was falling I caught the top of the tide at first light. I hadn’t fished the river since last August and really made no plans of my route. Reports were scattered from cold muddy water […]